Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Catch up time.

Since Addi turned 2 she of course was due for another shot at the doctors. She loves the doctors office. Her favorite thing is rolling around on the crackling paper that covers the exam table. She thinks it's great! She's never had any bad memories about doctor appointments since she's so young but this last one may stick in her memory. When she got her shot she looked at me with a,"What the hell was that?" kind of look. She didn't cry till the nurse left and then her cry was a,"I'm mad that you tricked me!" kind of cry. Good news is she doesn't have to worry about Hepatitis B!

She has the best pout.

Crue started preschool.....3 weeks ago! Yeah! He loves it! He goes Tues, Wed, Thurs, from 9 to 1 and I car pool with some friends so I only have to drive once a week. It's working out fabulously but we have had several talks about not having a potty mouth. Crue really is such a good boy but like most children he can get caught up in what I call,"Silly, potty mouth talk." When one of the children that he car pools with said a potty word (probably poop), I was told (cause it wasn't my day to drive) that Crue was quick to let everyone in the car know that,"We do not use potty words. We don't use them in your car, or your car or my car." I was so proud. Having said that, the other morning Crue threw something across the room and said,"AAHH damn it!" I snapped at him and asked,"Crue, what did you say?" He looked at me with big bug eyes and said in a whisper,"Damn it?". This was the day after we had the potty mouth discussion. I quickly turned and grabbed the vinegar out of the cupboard and said,"Crue you know we don't say that." He saw the vinegar, which he has only had once about a year ago for saying damn it, and he slapped his hand across his mouth and held on tight. I approached him and dabbed my finger inside the bottle and said,"Open up". He was screaming but it was just a muffle under his hand. I really had no intentions of putting the vinegar in his mouth cause I knew that it was a slip up and he hasn't said anything like that in a very long time. I did proceed to put my vinegar drenched finger under his nose and it was like I turned on a hose. The tears just started streaming from his eyes. I could tell he was ready to gag but he was able to hold back. I felt kind of bad but I know he learned his lesson. That happened 2 days ago and today we were driving in the car and he said,"Mom, I'm so sorry for saying a potty word yast year (he sometimes struggles with his L's). I won't ever do it again."

He likes to feed leaves to Miss Neva's chickens.

He is a good friend. He offered to push this little girl in the swing and the other little boy followed his example and pushed Addi.

He wanted something for Show-N-Tell and so we took this birds nest out of the tree in our front yard. He was really excited!


Blogger Bryce and Candice Blood Family said...

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September 17, 2008 at 11:45 PM  
Blogger Bryce and Candice Blood Family said...

Ha ha ha! The post in my mind is about potty mouths too! Vinegar has also been our potty mouth cleaner. I only wish somebody would follow me around with a bottle...Cute pictures too!

September 17, 2008 at 11:45 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

It sounds like you guys have been busy, that cracks me up about the potty mouth. Kids can say the funniest things and sometimes you wonder where they hear them. I love the pictures of Addi after the shot, she looks a little bit annoyed by the whole thing, but they really cracked me up. I also love your new background, it is so cute.

September 18, 2008 at 7:28 AM  
Blogger Andrea, Mrs. said...

McKelle - I've been spying on your blog for a little while. I am so impressed with you and your happy family. I'm so glad that things are great for you and that you have happy, healthy (no hepatitis...heheheheh), and rambunctious children. :-D

September 18, 2008 at 7:58 AM  

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