Monday, August 18, 2008

My First Triathlon

I did it! This last Saturday there was a triathlon held at DC Ranch in Scottsdale. Those of you who know me through volleyball know that I hate to run! When we had workouts for volleyball and there was running involved, actually any conditioning involved, I would moan and groan but I especially hated running. I wouldn't step on a tread mill unless it was the only exercise equipment available or I was told that I had to do a work out on a tread mill! So a lot of you may wonder how I was able to do a Triathlon. Well....I better clarify. Proceeds for this triathlon benefit the Special Olympics and there were many Special Olympians that participated. I know what you're thinking and Ha Ha, NO I was not participating AS a Special Olympian but Josh's brother Matt was and he asked me to be on his Unified Triathlon Team. A little more info on Matt. He is 27 and an awesome athlete. So awesome in fact that he traveled to Shanghai several months ago to participate in the World Special Olympics! While there he participated in the 100 meter, 200 meter and the 4 by 100 meter relay. He won two silver medals, one in the 100 m and 1 in the 4 by 100 relay so yea, he's pretty good. For this triathlon Matt was the swimmer (down the pool and back), his dad Warren rode his bike for 2.5 miles and I finished up with a half mile run!! OK so it was only a half mile but I did have two goals: don't stop (for heaven sakes it's just a half mile) and don't get passed. I couldn't stand the thought of being passed since it was such a short run. I'm happy to say that I accomplished both my goals! Who knows, maybe some day I'll move on and do a real triathlon. You'll just have to wait and see but don't hold your breathe!


Blogger Nakki said...

Congrats. You're on your way...I've been wanting to get into tri's...sprints that is. I'm still working on my swimming! I'm so slow...

August 18, 2008 at 10:58 PM  
Blogger Tuesdee said...

Wahoo!! Nice work, You look fantastic and look like you are in great shape to do a real triathlon.

By the way I like the ride!! And in Yellow, my favorite color! ahhh

August 19, 2008 at 11:32 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Congrats!!! I totally agree with Tuesdee, you look like you are in great shape and I thought that you did a full triathlon, I have been thinking of training for one, but I don't like to swim in open water that much, I think it could be scary if I was feeling tired at all. It looks like what you did was for a great cause and that is great to do things like that.

P.S. I never knew that you didn't like running. I remember the year when I was in basketball, he kept making us run ladders over and over until someone finished and I remember just feeling sick and everyone was mad at the coach.

August 19, 2008 at 12:22 PM  
Blogger McKelle said...

Tues, as much as I wish ERL (the Hummer) is mine, it is my sassy mother-in-laws! She let me take it home after the triathlon while she, Warren and Matt stayed for the award ceremony! But I can dream!!

August 19, 2008 at 3:27 PM  
Blogger Cammie said...

Congratulations! I am not at all shocked! You are superstar athlete, and now you can add triathalete to your impressive athletic resume!! I'm so proud!

August 20, 2008 at 3:02 PM  
Blogger The Howards said...

You go girl! If only our strength and conditioning coaches could see you now! They might fall over and faint after all the grief you gave them!

August 21, 2008 at 8:08 PM  
Blogger The Howards said...

You go girl! If only our strength and conditioning coaches could see you now! They might fall over and faint after all the grief you gave them!

August 21, 2008 at 8:08 PM  
Blogger JP said...

Yes, Scott the trainer would love to hear about you VOLUNTARILY choosing to run! I am so proud of you! I can't wait to hear when you do the whole thing, it's only a matter of time now :)

August 21, 2008 at 9:57 PM  
Blogger nana said...

Why McKelle you look like your just back from Beijing. What a natural athlete you are. The "France Compound" was done proud last Saturday. You guys were just "blowin and goin." And Addi and Crue and I were just trying so hard to find you when all of a sudden there you were. #1007 going up the hill and at a good clip I might add. Speed, nothing but speed. I wish Josh could have seen how all of our training paid off. :-) Love you 5000 pounds

August 22, 2008 at 12:31 PM  
Blogger Aunt Peabody said...

Well McKelle, I just love your "France Fries" web page. I check it often and keep updated with the kids. They are growing up so fast. Just wanted to let you know. Kiss the kids for me, and you...and Josh too. Love aunt peabody

August 22, 2008 at 8:41 PM  
Blogger Aunt Peabody said...

I hope the kids are well with Nana away this weekend. I got several text msgs from Matt about the ball game they are going to and wanting me to spread the work it is on TBS and I think they were sitting on the third base side. So, watch for them.

August 30, 2008 at 9:41 PM  

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